How to choose the right size implant for breast augmentation

Cropped half turned closeup photo womans breast dressed in white braBoard-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Charlotte Ann Rhee, is dedicated to helping Huntington Station, NY men and women look and feel their best with body contouring procedures. This includes breast augmentation, one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in the United States today. Breast augmentation is the use of breast implants to add volume and size to the breasts. This treatment has been used for decades to boost a woman’s self-confidence. By choosing an experienced, certified professional, women can rest easy knowing that the results will be as fabulous as they imagine!

Choosing breast implants for breast augmentation

One of the most common questions we hear from women considering breast augmentation surgery is the discussion regarding the best size of implant. Women often want to add size to the breasts, but only do so in a way that looks natural and fits their body frame. With the help of a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon such as Dr. Charlotte Ann Rhee, patients can relax knowing they are in experienced hands! Below are several things to consider when choosing breast implants for one’s upcoming procedure:

  • Lifestyle. One of the most important considerations when it comes to choosing implants is the lifestyle of the patient. Patients who are extremely active or play certain sports may want to steer clear of implants that are larger and impair their ability to participate in these activities. Lifestyle factors should be considered when making the decision in what size implants to use.
  • Desired results. Women who want to go bra-less may need a different size implant than someone who doesn’t want to attract unwanted attention. Discussing one’s personal desires and the results they’d like to achieve will give the plastic surgeon an idea of what type of implant and what size to place.
  • Long-term considerations. Women also need to consider long-term implications of breast implants. They do not last a lifetime and will need to be replaced down the road.

Are you ready to improve your appearance with breast augmentation?

Call Dr. Charlotte Ann Rhee to determine if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation and to obtain assistance in choosing the right size implant. The office is located at 257 East Jericho Turnpike and accepts new and returning patients who call (631) 424-6707.

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