It is not uncommon for women to experience changes in their hair during pregnancy. Some find that their hair thickens or curls, others find it straightens, and others still find that their hair thins. It is a common misconception that hair loss and hair thinning only occur to men. Latisse is a substance that has been used for the treatment of thinning eyelashes (although it was initially released to treat glaucoma), and now there are some doctors exploring the option of using it for off-label purposes, such as treating hair loss.
Latisse for Hair Loss
Initially when Latisse was used upon “hair”, doctors chose to test it on the eyebrows. They quickly learned that it would help growth in that area as well. This was a positive discovery as often individuals with thinning lashes have growth problems with their eyebrows as well. After that, the option of using it on the scalp was explored, with positive results. A drop to the scalp once a day seemed to trigger necessary hair growth in patients.
The use of Latisse for hair growth has not been approved by the FDA. Nor has it been formally tested by the manufacturer – although Allergan claims to have plans to do so in the near future.
However, it does appear as though Latisse may have a new market to target down the road.
Learn More About Latisse
To learn more about Lattise’s current uses, contact us.