Transitioning from Summer Skin: Time to Repair

Skin Treatments Huntington NYFor many of us, summer is when we get a little tan and look a little more glowing. Fall is when our tan starts to fade, and our skin starts transitioning to the harsher weather ahead. But just because summer is winding down, doesn’t mean that the fun is over. In fact, fall is one of the best times to refocus on your skincare routine and treat the concerns you have. If you developed a few new sunspots over the summer, don’t worry.

Keep reading to learn about how to keep your skin looking gorgeous through fall and every season.


Fall is a good time to start incorporating a scrub or exfoliating treatment into your routine. Dry, flakey skin that comes from dry air during winter needs a little more help than happy summer skin. That loss of moisture in the air affects the skin, making you look a little less healthy and happy. A gentle scrub or mild acid treatment once a week can do wonders to keep dead skin away, and your oil production at a steady clip.


Again, the drier air that comes with fall and winter often spells disaster for our skin. Replace that lost moisture with a good moisturizer that you feel great putting on every day. If you wear moisturizer all year round, this might be a time when your skin all of a sudden needs more moisture. Try incorporating an oil like Squalane or finding a new moisturizer that is a little more rich for those cold, dry days ahead.


Fall is the best time to get your skin into flawless condition. Because we are in the sun so much in the summer, it’s not a great time for chemical peels or laser treatments. Why treat your skin if it’s just going to get damaged again? But, Fall is another story. If you opt for a chemical peel or laser treatment, you’re less likely to damage your skin with a full-on beach vacation right afterwards.

Fall is a great time to treat hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and other concerns. Call us today at (631) 424-6707 to schedule a consultation.

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