When you are considering a breast augmentation, one of the major decisions that you need to make is determining the size of your implants. Today, most women want to ensure that their implants appear natural while also appearing youthful and full. Your plastic surgeon can help you determine what size implants you need. For additional guidance, we have provided you with some tips on the process.
Choosing Your Implant Size
There are a number of things that both you and your plastic surgeon can consider when determining what size implants to get:
- Your plastic surgeon will measure you in order to take your body proportions, your height and your weight into consideration.
- While your surgeon may mention the CC size (volume) of your implants, as a patient, you do not want to choose them this way. Implants that are equal in volume will not look the same in all individuals. The size and shape of your existing breasts, the placement of your rib cage and more all determine how they will look in your body.
- Be clear with your surgeon on the cup size you would like to end up with. Or better yet, bring in a picture of the look you would like.
Remember, that the size of the implants you choose will affect the way you look, the way your clothes fit and your posture. Make an informed choice with the help of your doctor in order to receive the best results.
Contact a Plastic Surgeon to Discuss Implant Size
Contact us today to book a consultation. We can help you determine what size implants you should get, and discuss other breast enhancement procedures.