5 Plastic Surgery Myths You Need to Know About

It’s hard to turn on the TV these days without seeing some new show or movie on plastic surgery.  The subject of countless movies, books and primetime specials, cosmetic surgery is definitely something people are thinking about.  Of course – as with all things – movies and TV shows don’t always paint the most true-to-life story.  Certain crucial facts are omitted or downplayed, while others are over-emphasized and highlighted.  Don’t believe everything you see!

As a plastic surgeon, I can tell you firsthand that the best type of patient is a well-informed patient.  So, want to find out what plastic surgery is really all about?

Here is our list of 5 Plastic Surgery Myths You Need to Know About:

  1. All plastic surgeons are the same. Quite the contrary.  While it may seem that almost any doctor can call themselves a “cosmetic surgeon,” only board certified plastic surgeons have been officially recognized by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.  This means that they have demonstrated knowledge and experience above and beyond regular medical training.
  2. Plastic surgery isn’t “real” surgery. While it may seem easy, quick and risk-free on television, plastic surgery is actually very real surgery.  And, like any surgery, patients need to be aware of all the potential complications.
  3. Plastic surgery is only for the super-vain or super-wealthy. While it may seem that it’s reserved only for the rich and famous, plastic surgery is really for anyone dealing with a bothersome physical feature.  This includes those dealing with birth defects, deformity following illness and those dealing with signs of premature aging.
  4. Plastic surgery is only for women. Contrary to popular belief, plastic surgery isn’t just for women these days.  Rather, men now account for a remarkable 13% of all cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the US, explains recent data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
  5. BOTOX® and fillers only last a few weeks. Though not permanent solutions, wrinkle treatments like BOTOX and fillers can actually last for up to several months.

Plastic Surgery Consultation on Long Island

Think plastic surgery might be right for you?  Don’t wait – contact us today.  Our offices are located in Huntington Station, serving Long Island.  Schedule your appointment at (631) 424-6707.  We look forward to meeting you.

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